20 Hilarious Far Side that will make you laugh

If you are a comics lover you’ll be very much familiar with The Far Side comics. Gary Larson is the artist who initially started this comic series. He got huge popularity at the start of this comic series. But then he disappeared for some reason and his fans didn’t hear from him for the last 25 years.

However, he came back and started from where he left 25 years ago. One thing that attracted people more to his comic work is, that his comics smell the same as they used to be 25 years ago. With the advancement in digital media, though his style is pretty much advanced but his humor is still fresh and same.

The most loving sight of his comics is the twist and dark humor. His comics are based on single panels. As a comics lover, you can realize how difficult it is to put all the humor in a single panel. That’s what reflects the mastery of an expert. And he’s doing absolutely fantastic۔

We have compiled a list of some of his comics with twisted and dark humor that will make you feel better for sure. So without waiting further, scroll down and take a look at these comics with unexpected endings. Remember to share your feedback at the end of the session.



















