How Long Does It Take to Boil Corn on the Cob to Get Ideal Cooking?
Discover the secrets to preparing mouthwatering corn on the cob with our easy-to-follow guide!
Selecting the Best Corn
Opt for green, moist husks that are tightly wrapped.

Check for plump, well-developed kernels by gently peeling back a section of the husk.
Avoid dry or brown husks, indicating older corn.
Determining Cooking Time
Fresh and tender corn: 4-6 minutes
Slightly older corn: 6-8 minutes

Larger ears of corn: 8-10 minutes
Cooking Instructions
Remove husks and silk, rinse under cold water.
Fill a large pot with water, bring to a boil.
Add corn, avoiding overcrowding.
Reduce heat, let simmer for the determined cooking time.

Carefully remove corn from pot with tongs.
Elevate Your Corn
Add flavor with toppings like butter and salt, Parmesan cheese, chili powder and lime, or herb butter.
Enjoy Your Perfectly Boiled Corn
With these tips, you’ll be ready to impress your loved ones with a delicious summer treat. Happy cooking!